Sunday, November 30, 2008

草戒指 - 神木与瞳

几个月前,对这首歌一见钟情。。 :)

草戒指 - 神木与瞳

再说在额头 原来泪也会痛
深呼吸一分鐘 爱突然的词穷

草戒指在手中 像句点的沉默
woo.. 明天 以后 爱变成了问候

爱不爱都痛 我以為我懂
woo.. 忘了温柔要套在手中

到最后 该不该回头
如果我开口 爱继续往前走
woo.. 幸福听著分开的藉口

再说在额头 原来泪也会痛
深呼吸一分鐘 爱突然的词穷

草戒指在手中 像句点的沉默
woo.. 明天 以后 爱变成了问候

爱不爱都痛 我以為我懂
woo.. 忘了温柔要套在手中

到最后 该不该回头
如果我开口 爱继续往前走
woo.. 幸福听著分开的藉口

爱不爱都痛 我以為我懂
woo.. 忘了温柔要套在手中

到最后 该不该回头
如果我开口 爱继续往前走
woo.. 幸福听著分开的藉口


Saturday, November 29, 2008

老婆 - S.H.E.

好久没见她了,上个假期没能见到她。。 :(

这是三年前的照片,我们都没什么变。。 :P


这是我和湘的歌 : 老婆 - S.H.E.

從昨天 到今天 還有明天

愛的心 痛的心 等待的心

當初見面的不安 彼此探索
也許有點茫然迷惑 朝夕相處才發現
這世界中 沒有人 比你們更懂我

朋友 姐妹 都已不夠來形容 我們的默契驕傲 扶持與包容
老婆 老婆 我們一起打勾勾 請記得約定的旅程到永久
從昨天 到今天 還有明天

愛的心 痛的心 等待的心

當初見面的不安 彼此探索
也許有點茫然迷惑 朝夕相處才發現
這世界中 沒有人 比你們更懂我

朋友 姐妹 都已不夠來形容 我們的默契驕傲 扶持與包容
老婆 老婆 我們一起打勾勾 請記得約定的旅程到永久

這世界中 沒有人 比你們更懂我

朋友 姐妹 都已不夠來形容 我們的默契驕傲 扶持與包容
老婆 老婆 我們一起打勾勾 請記得約定的旅程到永久


爱你的那个 - 温力铭

我的playlist终于没有lam lam了。。:)

爱你的那个 - 温力铭

There was someone, girl
With you forever
Never gonna leave your side

Too many pretenders
Surrounding you, girl
When you're lost he'll be the light

Keep watching you and guiding you
Love you with his life
He took your heart wouldn't break apart
Never wanna try to hurt you

Can you feel the love in you
The world so true
Curiosity in you to know the one is who
The one telling you

There was someone, girl
With you forever
Never gonna leave your side

Too many pretenders
Surrounding you, girl
When you're lost he'll be the light

Keep watching you and guiding you
Love you with his life
He took your heart wouldn't break apart
Never wanna try to hurt you

Can you feel the love in you
The world so true
Curiosity in you to know the one is who
The one telling you

Keep watching you and guiding you
Love you with his life
He took your heart wouldn't break apart
Never wanna try to hurt you

Can you feel the love in you
The world so true
Curiosity in you to know the one is who
The one telling you

I'm the one telling you

Friday, November 28, 2008

Two Animations

Catches two animations last week, hee hee..
The long awaited "Madagascar",
finally i get to watch it!
Laugh non-stop in the theater,
like the four penguins.. hee hee.. :P

The second animation is "Bolt"
Due to the schedule of the movie,
we watched the 3D version of this animation..
The storyline is touching,
not as much laughter as Madagascar,
but still worth watching.. :)
I like the transition when Bolt travel with his companions..

And i finally been to the Garden,
i like to wall with lights, nice~ :)
Thanks S.P. :)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Stella, the birthday gal

Stella, the birthday gal~
Happy 21st Birthday, my ex-roomie~
She is my roommate when i first enter uni~
We've been staying together for one year~ :D
She kind of blur and cute~ :P
And the most important is that we both are having "small eyes",
but then sometimes her eyes seems to be bigger than mine.. haha.. :p

Finally, an adult huh? hee hee...
No more small kid nor little gal ya..
Lastly, wish you stay cute, pretty and happy nah~

我们怎么了 - S.H.E.

我们怎么了 - S.H.E

落泪以前再看一眼 你模糊侧脸
我凝视你而你凝视 窗外的阴天

我搞不懂 我们到底怎么了
诚实的背后 是否住着伤口
我想不透 我们的爱怎么了
雨下过以后 是否能让什么复活

你的笑脸还在胸前 晃动着昨天
如果我们继续向前 走进雨里面

我搞不懂 我们到底怎么了
诚实的背后 是否住着伤口
我想不透 我们的爱怎么了
雨下过以后 是否能让什么复活

明明从前 连真挚都很甜美
现在怎会 说句话就能肿一边

我搞不懂 我们到底怎么了
诚实的背后 是否住着伤口
我想不透 我们的爱怎么了
雨下过以后 是否能让什么复活

Friday, November 21, 2008

Farewell Lunch

Yesterday i went back to my intern company,
because they are having a so-called "Farewell Lunch" for me.
Since that time after finish intern,
i was busy with the presentation and going back to hometown,
so they postpone it until i back to KL.
Sweet huh? :P

Due to the timing problem,
the place is not the one we decided at first.
I wonder when will i get the chance to taste a little bit of Swiss food.
*Wondering* Forget about Swiss food,
the restaurant we went yesterday was "Kissaten",
a Japanese Restaurant,
but i think it more likes a cafe or bistro,
it is located at Jaya One,
around SS2 and Paramount there i think.
Jaya One is really a place for eating or surveying about food.
There are quite a lot of restaurant there, even cafe and bistro. :)

I din get to shoot the environment of the restaurant.
It looks clean and nice.
I bet the atmosphere during night might be even better.
But then Papa said the windows they used looks like office,
it does not makes him wanna date his gf there. haha...

There are set lunch available.
I ordered Salmon Steak Lunch Set.
It includes a salmon steak, rice, chawanmushi, miso soup and a cup of green tea.
And the prices are quite reasonable.

This is the pork-chop burger that my colleagues ordered,
i din get to taste it.
He said not bad,
but then he is that kind of guy whatever food you give him,
he also say nice.

I din get to shoot much about others food, because of troublesome.
But at least i get to shoot their desert.
This is the Häägen-Däzs Green Tea Ice-cream
with a mint leave on top of it.

The Rich Choco Cake.
Who loves chocolate, must try!
It is really rich with chocolate.
But then i think if the bottom of the cake can be thicker will be perfect!

Pumpkin with Häägen-Däzs Vanilla Ice-cream.
I don't really like the taste of pumpkin,
but then i did taste it.
It turns out not bad.
A must try too. :)

Lastly is our department potrait.
Finally we have it!
Thanks Michelle, Shanice, Bernice, Kasuree and Papa! :D

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


这一篇係用广东话黎写嘅。。 我希望你哋可以明白我想讲嘅吔。。



最佳男主角 : 夏雨 《 溏心风暴之家好月园 》
最佳女主角 : 米雪 《 溏心风暴之家好月园 》
最佳男配角 : 黎耀祥 《 秀才爱上兵 》
最佳女配角 : 杨怡 《 溏心风暴之家好月园 》
我最喜爱的电视男主角 : 林峯 《 溏心风暴之家好月园 》
我最喜爱的电视女主角 : 李司棋 《 溏心风暴之家好月园 》
飞跃进步男艺员 :王祖蓝
飞跃进步女艺员 :胡定欣
万千光辉演艺大奖 : 秦沛 人气大奖 : 林峯
时尚魅力大奖 : 胡杏儿
最佳节目主持 : 蘇施黄 《 蘇Good 》
最佳剧集 : 《 溏心风暴之家好月园 》
最佳综艺资讯节目 : 《 了解 。关怀一百万人的故事 》
最具欣赏价值大奖 : 《 合晒合尺 》

全部相都係从TVB Artistes blog拿到嘅。。

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Thousand of Thanks~

Been offline for few days, finally we get to online yesterday..
We've been stupid for few days cannot online
and thought that is the Streamyx problem or Cyberia problem..
Well, actually it is our modem, it is spoiled!

Yesterday, we finally figure it out, that the problem is our modem!
Well, based on the pro said,
if the modem is spoiled,
it should not have any lights on,
but then our modem lights are on,
that is why we never thought it would be the modem.. =.=

No matter how, we need to thanks D-33-A for saving our life.
As most of us need to start our research asap,
and we needed to be online for most of the time!

Phew.. Lucky us! Thousand of thanks for you guys! :D

Saturday, November 15, 2008






衷心祝福。。 :)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008




- 化學老師告訴我們說

- 如果想自殺

- 不要笨到吃安眠藥

- 吃Panadol

- 一次吞個二十顆

- 保證連送急診室的機會都沒有 


- 吃一個Panadol會殘留在身體五年

- 先前有一個空姐,因為每次月經來就會疼痛不已,但又礙於工作必須經常性的站立,

- 只好每個月都吃Panadol解經痛,沒想到才將近三十歲的年紀,就開始洗腎了。

- 當你看完這篇報導

- 千萬不要掉以輕心,又再亂服成藥!

- 最好還是去醫院看病或做婦科的檢查,要記住喔!

- 並且告訴你的朋友,我一個叔公在美國的大藥廠擔任資深研發博士,他從來都不吃Panadol的~

- 因為真的很傷肝(但是肝是沒痛覺神經的)。

- 他說美國人頭痛都吃
ASPIRIN ~因為它所含的水楊酸會使將血管擴張~使血液流暢 ...
- 經證實它還可以防腸癌。

的唯一缺點是對有胃病的人有影響(因血管擴張,會使胃潰瘍加劇~ )
- 所以我每次看到Panadol的廣告就很反感~

- 大家有看過最近Panadol的廣告嗎?

- 有個爸爸感冒不吃藥,原因是因為吃藥有副作用,

- 但是媽媽說,Panadol不含阿司匹林不傷胃。

- 雖然整個廣告沒說到Panadol沒副作用,但是這個廣告還是有很大的問題,

- 會讓人家以為Panadol沒副作用,
普拿疼雖然不傷胃,但是卻傷「肝」(因含有乙醯、苯酚,故傷肝)。 小孩吃太多可能會引起「猛暴性肝炎」,而有肝炎的病人更是禁吃,
- 尤其是B
型肝炎剛感染的時候,有點像感冒,有些人就會吃Panadol, -但是這是很不好的喔,會使你的GOP GPT都昇高很多,
- 所以藥是不能亂吃的

- 市面上各大品牌的感冒藥及止痛藥都有副作用,某些品牌的副作用傷腎,有些品牌的傷肝。

- 大多數的止痛藥都會傷肝,西藥則幾乎都傷腎。

- 這是很嚴重的,我身邊的朋友,就有這種親身經歷。

- 一顆膠囊,七處灼傷
...... 嚴重吧!
- 不是食道受傷後改用喝的,就會不痛哦!

- 那是連呼吸,吞口水,都非常痛的!

- 很多人因為感冒,所以在服用膠囊時都使用溫熱水,

- 但不知若膠囊無順利到達胃,那是會很嚴重的。

- 快快修正你的服藥觀念哦!
- 我朋友的醫生教她應要如此做 

- 膠囊可以第一個吃,用冷水吞服,

- 吞完最後一顆時,應要再多喝一些水,

- 在睡前30分鐘就先服藥,服完忌立即躺下,比較安全哦!


- 日前我服用消炎膠囊時,
- 而造成食道嚴重灼傷,
- 醫生更警告如再延誤就醫有可能惡化為食道穿孔,請大家不可忽視,


1. 千萬不可飲用溫水
/ 熱水 / 果汁/ 含糖類飲料, 正確是飲用冷水; 冰開水 ...
2. 如服用後感覺喉嚨內有異物
, 速飲用大量冰鮮奶或冰水.
服用時應站直或坐直 , 不要一服用完就馬上躺下

The Three Unbelievables

This is a very very late post, and finally i get to finish it.. :(

Unbelievable 1 - Raymond Lam Malaysia Promo Tour 2008
(林峯Your Love大马签唱会2008)

26th October 2008, my beloved Raymond Lam Fung come Malaysia for his new album Your Love Promo Tour.. I think this is his first time come Malaysia.. :) But sad, he sick in the middle of this tour.. His tour is from 24th Oct until 26th Oct.. His first stop is Pavilion - KL, Tarc - Kampar, then Autocity - Penang.. Last stop is JB.. 3pm at Danga City Mall and night 8pm at Danga Bay..

First i wanna say thanks to two important person.. Chun Jun, she is the one who told me about this promo tour.. and second is my sis, she told me about the details and information on how to get the ticket.. Thanks, muackzz!! :**

Raymond Lam is really coming to Malaysia~ So unbelievable!

That time my sister already saw Raymond in the car, so she waiting for Raymond to get down from his car. And finally, she get to take this "very near" and "inattentive" pic of his.. :P Just the back light a bit disturbing.. :P

The emcee interview with Raymond..

Raymond didn't sing during noon session. There's only autograph and shake hand session. But still, i am glad! :D

After Danga City Mall, me and my parents don't know where to go. Actually they did not plan to wait for the night session together with me. But then there's no one with me, and i am not driving that day.

We get to find that place, and there's a beer garden, so they decided to sit and wait with me. Of course, we drink beer while waiting. We was quite wondering about that avenue, because from what i know is u must have the ticket in order to enter that place, but then when we enter, there's no one checking whether we got the ticket or not. So i went to the counter and ask, they said of course you need the ticket, but when i ask the worker there, they say no, they never get any information like this, you may just sit down, but you must order something as the condition. And so we sit down and order something.

We waited from around 6pm until 8pm, which is the time it suppose to start, but it is not. Of course they wont start it so punctualy, thats what everyone know.

When around 7pm, we saw a lots of people start finding seats, luckily, we find a great place. :P At 8pm, there's lots of people holding the ticket and ask for a seats, they thought that ticket holder will get free reserved seats. Actually is not, the ticket doesn't do anything, based on noon session, it only lets you have the priority to get the autograph faster. That's it! No more.

That's the organizer problem, but it cause lots of people got no place to sit, while they thought they have seats. It is not fair like this, please next time have a better organizer or management!

Finally, Raymond is here. Again, emcee interview with him a while. And from the conversation, we get to know that he wont be singing that night, so it is only autograph and shake hand session too. So sad to hear about that, but then he's sick, so sad to hear about that too. Please get well soon ya. :)

Even it is an autograph and shake hand session, i still holding my camera hope can get to snap some pics of him.

The co-coordinator ask him to button up his shirt, haha..

Finally, he get to sign all the fan's album and shake their hands too. Eventhough some of the fans were not that co-operate, they did take pics during the autograph session, actually it is not allowed! aih.. not fair ah!!

Emcee chat with Raymond after the autograph and shake hand session. :) Raymond din talk much, because he get cough once he talk, kesian.. :( But he still got answer those question that emcee ask.. :)

In the middle of the chatting, i get to move forward, and i am much more nearer to the stage now, as you can see the images below, Raymond is become much more bigger than the previous one. :P I am standing in line number two count from stage, near leh? :P haha.. Eventhough i din wear my specs, but still i get to see Raymond so clear.. :P

He just so cute when he talk! :P

After the chatting session, my hand was pain like hell, cause keep holding my camera in the midair.. Then just when i put down my hand, Raymond walk towards us in order to take pics with us, OMG! Sh*t! He is just beside me, because the stage is round, HE IS JUST BESIDE ME! And what am i doing that time, i faster grab my camera wanna take the closest pics of him! And this is what i get! A shaky pics! So sad! :( He is just beside me, i swear i never use any zoom for this pic.. :( But still it looks nice~ :P

Unbelievable 2 - I get Lam Fung's autograph and shake hand with him

This is what i bought in order to get the ticket. :P Nugeno Men's Facial Cleansing Gel.
Raymond is the representative of this brand. And so we need to buy, so called support lar, this product, and purchase above rm20, and you may get the ticket for the tour promo. :)

Well, these product is for mens, of course i am not the one who will use it. I buy for my daddy and small little brother loooo~~ haha.. :p

This is the ticket. A ticket which do not looks like a ticket. When i get this, i still ask the cashier is this the ticket? haha.. :P

This is the album that i get from Hong Kong, during the autograph session, everyone look at my album, so special.. But then i get to find another two people which have the same album as mine.. Happy ya, got people same like me support Raymond until go buy the album somewhere else when Malaysia still do not have. :)

And this is the one already been signed by Raymond Lam. Because of my stupid hand, it gets a little small mark there of my fingerprint.. But then it still looks good.. :P *blush*

Because Malaysia still do not have this album, so the organizer sells this album there, but what they buy is different from what i have. My cover is a bit special from them, and mine is special edition, it has 6 limited postcard inside, and i have one CD and one DVD, the DVD has 4 Music Video if not mistaken.. :P It is excatly the same like his 1st album, one CD and one DVD.. hee hee.. happy~ :P

Unbelievable 3 - Neway 4am

The one last thing, after we events, we meeting my grandmother, and eat our supper, all of us are hungry because of Raymond Lam, haha.. :P We eat until 12am something, and my daddy ask where to go? He still doesn't wanted to go home yet, because it is a Sunday~ hee hee.. :P After a small discussion, we decided to go City Square Neway sing K~ haha.. we really are crazy people.. The more crazy things is that my grandmother is following us.. OMG! I so happy because Raymond's songs are up, just three, not all, but then i am still happy~ Me and my mummy sing alot, my grandmother din sing, she just sit there listen to us.. hee hee.. Me and my mummy sing the theme song of Heart Of Greed and Moonlight Resonance, not bad ya, quite a nice song to sing.. :P We sing and sing, finally time's up! It is 4am that time, haha.. When we got out of neway, there's a group of teenagers, i think around my age too, they look at me very weird, then i was wondering.. I think they are the one that wondering our combination. A 20++ gal, one uncle and one aunty, one grandmother walk out from Neway at 4am, haha.. Incredible!

When i reach home, i look at the album, i was so so happy, because my parents accompany to go after my Idol, haha.. good leh~ :P Thanks daddy mummy~ muackz! :* But one thing, kind of regret, i wanted to listen to Raymond sing live long time ago, and i thought i will be able to listen that day, and it ended up no. But still, i think there's still have chance. If it is a concert it will be much more better, i sure buy the most expensive row~ :P hee hee.. Last, gambateh neh Raymond no matter in singing or acting. :)